Major abiotic factors (article) | Khan Academy (2024)

Effect of temperature, water, light, and soil on habitat selection.

This article offers an overview of major abiotic factors that influence habitat, including temperature, water, light, and soil.

Key terms

biotic factorsliving components that influence an organism's habitat
abiotic factorsnon-living, physical or chemical components that influence an organism's habitat
eurythermal organismorganism that can tolerate a wide range of temperatures
stenothermal organismorganism that can only tolerate a narrow range of temperatures
euryhaline organismorganism that can tolerate a wide range of salinity
stenohaline organismorganism that can only tolerate a narrow range of salinity

How do organisms choose their habitat?

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Inside a volcano? Underwater? In a cosy house in the city?

Realistically speaking, we take practical considerations into account for making this decision, like the neighborhood, the weather in that region, the availability of nearby shops, and so on.

If we were to zoom out and look at how all organisms (not just humans) choose their habitats, we can broadly classify these influencing factors into living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components. For example, the survival of a species of fish in the ocean might depend on the type of predators present, the pH of the water, the kind of competition it has for food, and so on.

Try and classify them based on whether they’re living or non-living - so the predators and competition will be biotic factors, while pH will be abiotic.

Together, these factors decide what range of conditions an organism can survive within.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the major physico-chemical, or abiotic, factors that influence habitat.


There is an incredible range of temperatures on our planet, from very hot (around the equator), to very cold (at the poles, high altitudes or deep underwater), and including everything in between. Metabolism is the machinery that keeps organisms alive - and since this machinery is very temperature-sensitive

You might remember that all living cells have enzymes and chemical reactions that take place within them. All metabolic reactions have optimum temperatures, outside of which they slow down or do not take place at all.

On top of that, enzymes and proteins can get denatured outside their optimum temperatures, which will bring the metabolic machinery to a grinding halt, causing all kinds of problems!

, there is a clear reason for life forms being distributed within their optimum temperature ranges.

That being said, there are always exceptions to the rule. While most living beings can only survive in a narrow range of temperatures (stenothermal organisms), some have wide thermal ranges across which they can function (eurythermal organisms).

Extremophiles are organisms that can live under (as the name suggests) extreme conditions. For example, thermophiles thrive in regions with extremely high temperatures, like near or inside hydrothermal vents. There are all kinds of bacteria, plants, and worms that flourish near boiling temperatures in these places.

On the other hand, psychrophiles or cryophiles live in regions with very low temperatures. These organisms are also often bacteria, insects, or other invertebrates like frogs. One lichen (the sunburst lichen) is known to photosynthesize at 24°C!


You've probably heard about or seen news articles about the hunt for water on other planets. This is because life is tied directly to the presence and quality of water. In arid regions, organisms adapt to survive with limited water resources.

Aquatic organisms obviously need water, but they also need specific types of water. pH and salinity determine the distribution of some organisms. Similar to temperature, organisms can either tolerate very small ranges of salinity (stenohaline), or wide ranges (euryhaline).

test your understanding 1

Tardigrades are tiny, 8-legged creatures that are found all over the Earth, including in the Antarctic and hot springs. Some species of tardigrade can survive extreme temperatures like 273°C or 150°C.

Which of the following statements best describe the nature of such tardigrades?

Choose 1 answer:

Choose 1 answer:

  • They are eurytherms.

  • They are stenotherms.

  • They are euryhaline.

  • They are stenohaline.


As you might have guessed, light is very important for the survival of most plants. Similar to organisms in the desert, plants that receive low illumination learn to photosynthesize optimally in such conditions. In some regions like deep underwater, where all of visible light does not penetrate, marine plants utilize only some wavelengths of light.

But it's not just plants that are affected by the presence or absence of light. Several behaviors of animals including feeding, sleeping, migration, and so on depend on the intensity and duration of light.

Visible light emitted by the sun includes blue light, which peaks during the day. However, our digital devices also emit blue light. Exposing ourselves to blue light at night sends confusing signals to our brains, that might mess up our circadian (sleep-wake) cycles.

This is why you might see a feature on your phone that tints the display a yellowish color at night, or even restricts screen time.


Several characteristics of soil influence life, including composition, grain size, nutrient content, pH, mineral composition, and water holding capacity.

Apart from these 4 factors, wind, oxygen levels, currents, and several other properties of the environment also contribute to abiotic compenents of a habitat.

test your understanding 2

A species of bacteria are evolving to spread across a region.

Which of the following are examples of abiotic factors that might affect its distribution?

Choose 2 answers:

Choose 2 answers:

  • Temperature

  • pH of the substrate

  • Presence of bacteriophage.

test your understanding 3

A species of tree is only found in brightly lit, moist rainforest regions near the equator. An explorer decides to take a sapling back to his home in northern Europe, where he hopes to cultivate it. However, the sapling dies soon after being planted in its new home.

Why did the sapling fail to survive in its new surroundings?

Choose 1 answer:

Choose 1 answer:

  • It needed more sunlight and moisture.

  • It needed cold and dry conditions.

Major abiotic factors (article) | Khan Academy (2024)


What are the 5 major abiotic factors? ›

Sunlight, air, precipitation, minerals, and soil are some examples of abiotic factors. These factors have a significant impact on the survival and reproduction of species in an ecosystem.

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An abiotic factor is a non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment. In a terrestrial ecosystem, examples might include temperature, light, and water.

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Biotic factors are living things and abiotic factors are nonliving things.

What are the 4 major abiotic factors found in most ecosystems? ›

The most important abiotic factors include water, sunlight, oxygen, soil and temperature. Water (H2O) is a very important abiotic factor – it is often said that “water is life.” All living organisms need water. In fact, water makes up at least 50% of almost all living things.

What are the 3 main abiotic factors? ›

Abiotic factors may be grouped into the following main categories:
  • Climatic factors, such as sunlight, humidity, temperature, atmosphere, etc.
  • Edaphic factors, such as the nature and type of the soil, geology of the land, etc.
  • Social factors, such as land use, water resources, etc.
Sep 26, 2023

What are the 5 main abiotic factors that affect the environment? ›

Abiotic factors are the non-living components of the ecosystem. These include factors such as wind, water, sunlight, soil, temperature and humidity. Abiotic factors can either be chemical or physical components of an environment.

What are the abiotic factors grade 10? ›

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the environment that can often have a major influence on living organisms. Abiotic factors include water, sunlight, oxygen, soil and temperature.

Is dirt abiotic or biotic? ›

Soil Layers. Soil is composed of both biotic—living and once-living things, like plants and insects—and abiotic materials—nonliving factors, like minerals, water, and air.

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In biology, abiotic factors can include water, light, radiation, temperature, humidity, atmosphere, acidity, salinity, precipitation, altitude, minerals, tides, rain, dissolved oxygen nutrients, and soil.

What causes this abiotic factor? ›

An abiotic factor is any component that is not a living organism that affects the organisms in the ecosystem. Abiotic factors related to climate include temperature, wind speed, humidity, amount of sunlight, and shade. Abiotic factors can also be in the soil and include things such as pH and mineral content.

What are the following examples of abiotic factors? ›

Some examples of abiotic factors are water, soil, air, sunlight, temperature, and minerals.

Is rainfall a biotic or abiotic factor? ›

Abiotic factors in an ecosystem include wind, rainfall, temperature, sunlight, and soil. Biotic factors in an ecosystem include all of the different plants and animals that live there.

What are the major abiotic factors Class 12 notes? ›

What are the major abiotic factors?
  • Water.
  • Sunlight.
  • Oxygen.
  • Soil.
  • Temperature.

What happens if a population grows past its carrying capacity? ›

A population is in overshoot when it exceeds available carrying capacity. A population in overshoot may permanently impair the long-term productive potential of its habitat, reducing future carrying capacity. It may survive temporarily but will eventually crash as it depletes vital natural capital (resource) stocks.

What three abiotic factors can be drastically changed? ›

In essence, abiotic factors are non-living conditions that can influence the organisms' survival, such as temperature, sunlight, and soil quality. Changes in these parameters can either increase or decrease an area's carrying capacity.

What are the 5 abiotic factors that influence life in aquatic ecosystems? ›

Abiotic factors that influence aquatic biomes include light availability, depth, stratification, temperature, currents, and tides.

What are the 5 factors that make an ecosystem? ›

Five abiotic factors that affect an ecosystem are sunlight, temperature, precipitation, wind, and soil pH. The abiotic factors of an ecosystem are those that are non-living, while the biotic factors are the living organisms in an ecosystem.

What are 5 different abiotic factors which can affect biotic factors? ›

Each and every abiotic factor (air, water, soil, sunlight, temperature, humidity) affects the biotic factors in the ecosystem. The abiotic factors in an ecosystem decide which biotic factors will survive in it and what will be their number.

What are abiotic resources 5 points? ›

Examples of abiotic resources are air, water, sunlight, soil, and minerals.

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